Latest News #2 – Wheel Wash Upgrades
Our top priority at Seneca Landfill is Safety and Compliance. Unlike a construction site, landfills continue to operate in all kinds of weather including rain, freezing temperatures, and even snow to assure we service our customers and keep the streets of your communities cleaned up. With that being said, when it rains we need to assure we keep the mud from the landfill off our trucks and ultimately off the streets of our community. We do this by grading our roads, using an aggregate or slag topcoat on our roads, and most importantly, we use an automated wheel wash before the trucks leave the site. The automated wheel wash includes a wash platform with undercarriage and wheel wash spray nozzles, two 10,000 gallon water recovery tanks, and three recirculation pumps to pump the water from the tanks to the wash nozzles.
Our wheel wash system uses the 10,000 gallon water recovery tanks to recycle, clean, and reuse the water over and over again instead of always using fresh water. The water recovery tanks have a conveyor system with scrapers to pull sediment out of the tank.
In 2017, Seneca upgraded the wheel wash by adding a second 10,000-gallon water recovery tank as well as repaired and replaced many components of the original 10,000 gallon water recovery tank. This system allows us to continue to operate in the worst weather conditions while keeping our community roadways clean.
Installation of the 2nd 10,000 gallon water recovery tank
Refurbished sediment scrappers in original 10,000 gallon water recovery tank used to pull sediment out of the tank
Wheel wash in operation