Latest News: Tree Planting
Recent tree plantings are just one way that Seneca is fulfilling its mission of protecting the environment and giving back to the community. Trees provide many environmental benefits including:
Clean Air – Trees naturally remove pollution from the atmosphere. Trees sequester carbon from the air and help combat climate change;
Wildlife Habitat – Many wildlife rely on trees for food, cover, or water;
Soil Stabilization – Trees reduce the effects of erosion caused by water and wind;
Stormwater Protection – Trees reduce floods and minimize sediment, nitrates and phosphorus runoff into waterways helping improve water quality in streams, rivers and lakes.
Seneca contracted with Pride Nurseries out of Butler County and planted 54 hemlock trees in Lancaster Township along Swain Hill Road. The trees were 8-9 feet tall and were spaced about 10-feet apart. These trees will continue to grow and mature to provide an aesthetically pleasing view while driving down Swain Hill Road. Seneca Landfill has plans to continue plantings in the future along Swain Hill as well as other locations around the landfill.

Photo: 54 Hemlock Trees installed along Swain Hill Road – Lancaster Township